CHATS Certified CPDs
Personal & Professional Development
Occupational Stress Management (1 or 2 days)
Stress management for office workers
Assertiveness training (1 day)
Anger Management (1 day)
Suicide Awareness (2 days)
Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (2 days)
Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (2 days)
Diploma in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (20 days)
These courses can be designed for staff or volunteers working in specific contexts.
Testimonials on the Anger Management Course
I thoroughly enjoyed this course it was relaxed and informative and the handouts will be great for future work.
Stella Coyle, CRUSE
I have increased my understanding of this anger management, and since doing this course have been able to integrate into clinical work. The assessments and the tutors experience and practical knowledge were really helpful. I would strongly recommend this course.
Ursula Roddy, University of Ulster Nurse Tutor and CRUSE Volunteer Counsellor
I found learning and practicing with the other counsellors was excellent on this course and as anger is often present in bereavement counselling this was a great set of tools to help me. The chance to reflect on practice during the course was the best part for me.
Theresa Melaugh, Education Welfare Officer and CRUSE Volunteer Bereavement Care Counsellor